Hit Horse Shit (Consulation) - Win only SGD$6 - TOP 3 CUMMING

On 10th March 2019 (Sunday), Woody Kumantong gave 1969 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction (Kumantong 4D Master's own personal 4D Numbers). At night, Singapore Pools 4D come out 9196 as Ibet Consolation.

Hitting Ibet Consolation or Starter might be hint from Kumantongs that Direct Top 3 Hit is coming. Only the Kumantongs trained and owned by Kumantong 4D Master has this potential.

Kumantongs purposely give 4D Numbers to Hit on Ibet Consolations and Ibet Starters to let people laugh and jeer, then suddenly give a Direct TOP 3 Prize Strike to "Bang People's Balls".

Strike Ibet Starter - Big Prize Is Coming

On Wednesday (27th Feb 2019), Woody Kumantong gave 9457. On Saturday Night (02 March 2019) , Singapore Pools 4D come out 4579 - Starter. Hit Ibet Starter - Win SGD$10.

Hit Ibet Starter or Consolation Prize is hint from Kumantong that it might hit Direct TOP 3 on next draw. Only Kumantongs owned and trained by Kumantong 4D Master can do that.