Oil Bottle Kumantong plays my backside again! Miss 1 number Direct 3rd Prize!

 Oil Bottle Kumantong gave 7705 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction. On the 2nd Try, Singapore Pools 4D came out 7805 as 3rd Prize. Miss 1 number on direct 3rd Prize. Kumantong is very playful. He certainly know the exactly Winning numbers but purposely miss 1 number to tease me. Hope the 3rd try will come out as Direct 1st Prize. 

Take Note: Kumantong 4D Prediction is valid for 3 tries (3 draws). If really strike, usually is on the 1st try, and may hit Ibet or Direct TOP 3 Prize. The goal is hope for Kumantongs to give You Hit Direct 1st Prize on the 1st Try.