Singapore Pools 4D Prediction By Xiao-Pang Kumantong Hit System Horse-Shit (Consolation Prize) only...

 On 9 Nov 2024, Xiao-Pang Kumantong gave 9191 for  Singapore Pools 4D Prediction. 

On the 3rd try - 13 Nov 2024, Singapore Pools 4D Results came out  1st - 9133 , 2nd Prize - 9091,
almost Hit Direct 1st or 2nd Prize.  

As missing 1 number on TOP 3 Prize might be hint from Kumantong that the next draw will hit TOP 3 Prize.  Another round (4th try) was bet on 9191.

On the 4th Try - 16 Nov 2024, it came out 3rd Prize - 7131.  Since it shows the similar pattern on 3rd Prize, it might be hint from Kumantong that the next round might hit TOP 3 Prize,

Again, 9191 was bet on again. 

On the 5th round, it came out Consolation - 1199. 

Is this another hint that 9191 will Hit Direct TOP 3 Prize on another round - 6th  Try? Shall wait and see..

Kumantong 4D Tips by Kumantong 4D Master (a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master):

The Beauty of Kumantong 4D Prediction by Kumantong 4D Master (or by using Taoist Lottery Prediction Talismans or seeking help from Deities or Ghosts by Taoist Sorcery Master) is that:

1) You know what Numbers to Bet
2) How Long to Bet on the given numbers
3) When to Stop betting on the given numbers
4) If  really Strike, often is Hit Top 3 Prize (Ibet or Direct Strike)