Singapore Pools 4D Prediction By Xiao-Pang Kumantong Hit System Horse-Shit (Consolation Prize) only...

 On 9 Nov 2024, Xiao-Pang Kumantong gave 9191 for  Singapore Pools 4D Prediction. 

On the 3rd try - 13 Nov 2024, Singapore Pools 4D Results came out  1st - 9133 , 2nd Prize - 9091,
almost Hit Direct 1st or 2nd Prize.  

As missing 1 number on TOP 3 Prize might be hint from Kumantong that the next draw will hit TOP 3 Prize.  Another round (4th try) was bet on 9191.

On the 4th Try - 16 Nov 2024, it came out 3rd Prize - 7131.  Since it shows the similar pattern on 3rd Prize, it might be hint from Kumantong that the next round might hit TOP 3 Prize,

Again, 9191 was bet on again. 

On the 5th round, it came out Consolation - 1199. 

Is this another hint that 9191 will Hit Direct TOP 3 Prize on another round - 6th  Try? Shall wait and see..

Kumantong 4D Tips by Kumantong 4D Master (a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master):

The Beauty of Kumantong 4D Prediction by Kumantong 4D Master (or by using Taoist Lottery Prediction Talismans or seeking help from Deities or Ghosts by Taoist Sorcery Master) is that:

1) You know what Numbers to Bet
2) How Long to Bet on the given numbers
3) When to Stop betting on the given numbers
4) If  really Strike, often is Hit Top 3 Prize (Ibet or Direct Strike)

Kumantong 4D Prediction by Fat Golden Boy (Xiao Pang) - Hit Singapore Pools Ibet 2nd Prize - Win SGD$500


Fat Golden Boy (Xiao Pang) gave 2297 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction. It came out 9272 on 2nd Prize. I (Kumantong 4D Master / Taoist Sorcery Master) Won SGD$500 on Ibet 2 Big 2 Small. 

This 4D numbers was actually given to a client who had paid the fee for Kumantong 4D Prediction Service.  I merely took the same numbers and bet it for myself ...  

*Malaysia Client Won RM870 for himself as he bought it in "Private" on Singapore 4D Numbers.

Many outsiders and non-believers like to sneer:" If their 4D Prediction is so accurate, why the 4D Masters who gives You the numbers, never buy the same numbers for themselves?"  - This is true for other Fake 4D Masters  but not me.

The reason why I always bet on the same Singapore Pools 4D Numbers , which are given to clients, is because I truly believe in my own Kumantongs  (and the deities and ghosts invoked from my talismans) because they are really the Real Deal. - If really Strike, usually is Hit On TOP  3 Prize (Ibet or Direct Strike) and I also want to win some money for my ownself

Video of Me Collecting SGD$500 from Singapore Pools 

Hit Ibet 1st Prize On The 2nd Try - Win SGD$416

Kumantong 4D Prediction by Oil Bottle Kumantong gave 9296 for a Client . On the 2nd Try, it came out as 9926 - 1st Prize. -  Win Ibet 1st Prize.  Client gave SGD$88 for Ang Bao.

I (Kumantong 4D Master a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master), personally, also Win SGD$416.   When 4D Numbers are good,  the Real 4D Masters will also buy  the same 4D numbers (given to clients) for his ownself.

Collecting Money Of  1st  Prize Ticket & Candies Offering To Kumantongs

The method I use to Strike 4D With Kumantongs, works the same way for other Wealth / Gambling Related Amulets (of "Thai" Version ) or Talismans (created and empowered by Taoist Sorcery Masters). It is based on many years of personal and clients' experiences of Winning 4D with Kumantongs and also from other Gods and Ghosts.

To learn how to Strike 4D with the help of deities and ghosts / spirits , can go to : Kumantong 4D Master

Kumantong 4D Prediction - One Week Strike 3 Times Nose Dirts

 Kumantong gave 2620 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction.

On the 1st Try (1st Draw) -  10 July 2024 (Wed), Singapore Pools came out 2620 as Direct Consolation Prize . -- Since it is Direct or Ibet Starter or Consolation Prize (and not Direct TOP 3 Prize) within 3 Draws, can continue to bet again on the same numbers for the next draw.

On the  2nd Try (2nd Draw) - 13 July (Sat), Singapore Pools cam out 6022 as Ibet Consolation Prize.  --Since it is Direct or Ibet Starter or Consolation Prize (and not Direct TOP 3 Prize) within 3 Draws, can continue to bet again on the same numbers for the next Draw.

On the 3rd Try (3rd Draw) - 14th July (Sun), Singapore Pools cam out 0622 as Ibet Starter  Prize -- Since it is still Direct or Ibet Starter or Consolation Prize (and not Direct TOP 3 Prize) on the 3rd Draw already, can continue to bet again on the same numbers for the next Draw (4th time). It might be a VERY BIG HINT from Kumantongs that the same numbers will come out Direct TOP 3 Prize on new Draw.

Important Note: The beauty of 4D Prediction numbers given by Kumantongs (or from other gods or ghosts) is that You know when to buy and when to stop.

Several Points To Take Note:

  • 4D Numbers given by Kumantongs (or from other gods and ghosts) always focus on helping You to Win TOP 3 Prize. Yes, gods and ghosts want You to STIKE TOP 3 PRIZE (unless they want to play Your backside to tease You and humble You down).
  • If  4D Numbers given by Kumantongs (or from other gods and ghosts), come out as DIRECT TOP 3 Prize on the 1st try, Claim Your Prize and seek new sets of  4D Numbers to bet.
  • If withing 3 Trys (3 draws), the 4D Numbers given by Kumantongs (or from other gods and ghosts) never come out, it is considered invalid, seek new numbers to bet.
  • If  within 3  Trys (3 Draws), 4D Numbers given by Kumantongs (or from other gods and ghosts), come out as Ibet or Direct Starter or Consolation Prize  , or Miss 1 number on  Ibet or Direct TOP 3 Prize, it might be a Hint that the same numbers will Hit Direct TOP 3 Prize on the next draw. If this scenerio still happen on the 3rd draw and beyond, can continue to bet until either You Hit Ibet or Direct TOP 3 Prize or if totally miss the numbers, then stop betting on the same numbers. After that, seek new sets of  4D Numbers to bet.
Related Articles & Blogs: 

Hit Direct Horse Shit - Ownself Win SGD$132

Oil Bottle Kumantong gave 2620 for a Client, who sought help for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction.

On the 1st Try, Singapore Pools 4D come out 2620 as Direct Consolation Prize.

I (Kumantong 4D Master a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master) personally had bought the same 4D numbers and Strike SGD$132.

Client also sent Ang Bao of SGD$18.

*When 4D numbers are really good, Real 4D Master will also bet on the same numbers given to clients. Not like those FAKE 4D Masters who took Your money and run off, without even giving numbers*

Important Note: Seeking 4D Numbers from Kumantongs is as easy as "Shaking A Cup Of Numbers".  All You need to do is light up incense stick or aroma cone and Pray to the Kumantongs and tell them where (Which 4D Company) You want to bet on - Singapore Pools 4D? Magnum 4D? Sports Toto 4D? etc, and then SHAKE THE CUP (OF NUMBERS).

Usually if really Hit, 4D Numbers given by Kumantongs will hit TOP 3 Prize (Ibet or Direct Strike) on the 1st Try. If Hit Ibet on Starter or Consolation Prize, or Miss 1 number on TOP 3 Prize, it might be hint from Kumantongs that the same numbers will Hit Direct TOP 3 Prize on next draw.

If after 3rd try (3rd draws) still no strike, then the Kumantong 4D Numbers is consider invalid, need to drop off and seek new set of 4D Numbers.

For more articles ,  information and knowledge on :

How To  Strike 4D, go to >>

Taoist Talismans for Protection and Wealth, go to >>

Taoist Sorcery  and Talismans, go to >> https://taoist-sorcery,

Oil Bottle Kumantong plays my backside again! Miss 1 number Direct 3rd Prize!

 Oil Bottle Kumantong gave 7705 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction. On the 2nd Try, Singapore Pools 4D came out 7805 as 3rd Prize. Miss 1 number on direct 3rd Prize. Kumantong is very playful. He certainly know the exactly Winning numbers but purposely miss 1 number to tease me. Hope the 3rd try will come out as Direct 1st Prize. 

Take Note: Kumantong 4D Prediction is valid for 3 tries (3 draws). If really strike, usually is on the 1st try, and may hit Ibet or Direct TOP 3 Prize. The goal is hope for Kumantongs to give You Hit Direct 1st Prize on the 1st Try.

Miss 1 number on Singapore Pools 4D Direct 1st Prize - Hit Ibet Starter only - Win SGD$10

 Oil Bottle Kumantong gave 7054 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction. On the 2nd Try, 1st Prize came out 2054 and Starter Prize came out 5407. Miss  1 number on Singapore Pools 4D Direct 1st Prize - Hit Ibet Starter only - Win SGD$10.

Folks who want to learn how to seek 4D Numbers from Kumantongs by Yourself, can go to

There is a fee charge if You want me (Kumantong 4D Master a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master) to seek 4D Numbers from my Kumantongs. Kindly email me for details and payment method. 

Singapore Pools 4D Prediction by Blacky Kumantong only Hit Ibet Starter - Win SGD$20


Blacky Kumantong gave 0473 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction. It came out as Ibet Starter - 7403, only Win SGD$20. Will 0473 come about as Direct TOP 3 Prize on the next draw? Let's wait and see.

Usually if hit Ibet Starter or Consolation, it might be a hint from Kumantong that the same numbers is going to Hit TOP 3 Prize on next draw.

To learn how to Strike 4D from Kumantongs, can visit: