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Kumantong 4D Prediction by Fat Golden Boy (Xiao Pang) - Hit Singapore Pools Ibet 2nd Prize - Win SGD$500


Fat Golden Boy (Xiao Pang) gave 2297 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction. It came out 9272 on 2nd Prize. I (Kumantong 4D Master / Taoist Sorcery Master) Won SGD$500 on Ibet 2 Big 2 Small. 

This 4D numbers was actually given to a client who had paid the fee for Kumantong 4D Prediction Service.  I merely took the same numbers and bet it for myself ...  

*Malaysia Client Won RM870 for himself as he bought it in "Private" on Singapore 4D Numbers.

Many outsiders and non-believers like to sneer:" If their 4D Prediction is so accurate, why the 4D Masters who gives You the numbers, never buy the same numbers for themselves?"  - This is true for other Fake 4D Masters  but not me.

The reason why I always bet on the same Singapore Pools 4D Numbers , which are given to clients, is because I truly believe in my own Kumantongs  (and the deities and ghosts invoked from my talismans) because they are really the Real Deal. - If really Strike, usually is Hit On TOP  3 Prize (Ibet or Direct Strike) and I also want to win some money for my ownself

Video of Me Collecting SGD$500 from Singapore Pools 

Hit Ibet 1st Prize On The 2nd Try - Win SGD$416

Kumantong 4D Prediction by Oil Bottle Kumantong gave 9296 for a Client . On the 2nd Try, it came out as 9926 - 1st Prize. -  Win Ibet 1st Prize.  Client gave SGD$88 for Ang Bao.

I (Kumantong 4D Master a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master), personally, also Win SGD$416.   When 4D Numbers are good,  the Real 4D Masters will also buy  the same 4D numbers (given to clients) for his ownself.

Collecting Money Of  1st  Prize Ticket & Candies Offering To Kumantongs

The method I use to Strike 4D With Kumantongs, works the same way for other Wealth / Gambling Related Amulets (of "Thai" Version ) or Talismans (created and empowered by Taoist Sorcery Masters). It is based on many years of personal and clients' experiences of Winning 4D with Kumantongs and also from other Gods and Ghosts.

To learn how to Strike 4D with the help of deities and ghosts / spirits , can go to : Kumantong 4D Master

Kumantong 4D Prediction - One Week Strike 3 Times Nose Dirts

 Kumantong gave 2620 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction.

On the 1st Try (1st Draw) -  10 July 2024 (Wed), Singapore Pools came out 2620 as Direct Consolation Prize . -- Since it is Direct or Ibet Starter or Consolation Prize (and not Direct TOP 3 Prize) within 3 Draws, can continue to bet again on the same numbers for the next draw.

On the  2nd Try (2nd Draw) - 13 July (Sat), Singapore Pools cam out 6022 as Ibet Consolation Prize.  --Since it is Direct or Ibet Starter or Consolation Prize (and not Direct TOP 3 Prize) within 3 Draws, can continue to bet again on the same numbers for the next Draw.

On the 3rd Try (3rd Draw) - 14th July (Sun), Singapore Pools cam out 0622 as Ibet Starter  Prize -- Since it is still Direct or Ibet Starter or Consolation Prize (and not Direct TOP 3 Prize) on the 3rd Draw already, can continue to bet again on the same numbers for the next Draw (4th time). It might be a VERY BIG HINT from Kumantongs that the same numbers will come out Direct TOP 3 Prize on new Draw.

Important Note: The beauty of 4D Prediction numbers given by Kumantongs (or from other gods or ghosts) is that You know when to buy and when to stop.

Several Points To Take Note:

  • 4D Numbers given by Kumantongs (or from other gods and ghosts) always focus on helping You to Win TOP 3 Prize. Yes, gods and ghosts want You to STIKE TOP 3 PRIZE (unless they want to play Your backside to tease You and humble You down).
  • If  4D Numbers given by Kumantongs (or from other gods and ghosts), come out as DIRECT TOP 3 Prize on the 1st try, Claim Your Prize and seek new sets of  4D Numbers to bet.
  • If withing 3 Trys (3 draws), the 4D Numbers given by Kumantongs (or from other gods and ghosts) never come out, it is considered invalid, seek new numbers to bet.
  • If  within 3  Trys (3 Draws), 4D Numbers given by Kumantongs (or from other gods and ghosts), come out as Ibet or Direct Starter or Consolation Prize  , or Miss 1 number on  Ibet or Direct TOP 3 Prize, it might be a Hint that the same numbers will Hit Direct TOP 3 Prize on the next draw. If this scenerio still happen on the 3rd draw and beyond, can continue to bet until either You Hit Ibet or Direct TOP 3 Prize or if totally miss the numbers, then stop betting on the same numbers. After that, seek new sets of  4D Numbers to bet.
Related Articles & Blogs: 

Hit Direct Horse Shit - Ownself Win SGD$132

Oil Bottle Kumantong gave 2620 for a Client, who sought help for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction.

On the 1st Try, Singapore Pools 4D come out 2620 as Direct Consolation Prize.

I (Kumantong 4D Master a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master) personally had bought the same 4D numbers and Strike SGD$132.

Client also sent Ang Bao of SGD$18.

*When 4D numbers are really good, Real 4D Master will also bet on the same numbers given to clients. Not like those FAKE 4D Masters who took Your money and run off, without even giving numbers*

Important Note: Seeking 4D Numbers from Kumantongs is as easy as "Shaking A Cup Of Numbers".  All You need to do is light up incense stick or aroma cone and Pray to the Kumantongs and tell them where (Which 4D Company) You want to bet on - Singapore Pools 4D? Magnum 4D? Sports Toto 4D? etc, and then SHAKE THE CUP (OF NUMBERS).

Usually if really Hit, 4D Numbers given by Kumantongs will hit TOP 3 Prize (Ibet or Direct Strike) on the 1st Try. If Hit Ibet on Starter or Consolation Prize, or Miss 1 number on TOP 3 Prize, it might be hint from Kumantongs that the same numbers will Hit Direct TOP 3 Prize on next draw.

If after 3rd try (3rd draws) still no strike, then the Kumantong 4D Numbers is consider invalid, need to drop off and seek new set of 4D Numbers.

For more articles ,  information and knowledge on :

How To  Strike 4D, go to >>

Taoist Talismans for Protection and Wealth, go to >>

Taoist Sorcery  and Talismans, go to >> https://taoist-sorcery,

Oil Bottle Kumantong plays my backside again! Miss 1 number Direct 3rd Prize!

 Oil Bottle Kumantong gave 7705 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction. On the 2nd Try, Singapore Pools 4D came out 7805 as 3rd Prize. Miss 1 number on direct 3rd Prize. Kumantong is very playful. He certainly know the exactly Winning numbers but purposely miss 1 number to tease me. Hope the 3rd try will come out as Direct 1st Prize. 

Take Note: Kumantong 4D Prediction is valid for 3 tries (3 draws). If really strike, usually is on the 1st try, and may hit Ibet or Direct TOP 3 Prize. The goal is hope for Kumantongs to give You Hit Direct 1st Prize on the 1st Try.

Miss 1 number on Singapore Pools 4D Direct 1st Prize - Hit Ibet Starter only - Win SGD$10

 Oil Bottle Kumantong gave 7054 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction. On the 2nd Try, 1st Prize came out 2054 and Starter Prize came out 5407. Miss  1 number on Singapore Pools 4D Direct 1st Prize - Hit Ibet Starter only - Win SGD$10.

Folks who want to learn how to seek 4D Numbers from Kumantongs by Yourself, can go to

There is a fee charge if You want me (Kumantong 4D Master a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master) to seek 4D Numbers from my Kumantongs. Kindly email me for details and payment method. 

Singapore Pools 4D Prediction by Blacky Kumantong only Hit Ibet Starter - Win SGD$20


Blacky Kumantong gave 0473 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction. It came out as Ibet Starter - 7403, only Win SGD$20. Will 0473 come about as Direct TOP 3 Prize on the next draw? Let's wait and see.

Usually if hit Ibet Starter or Consolation, it might be a hint from Kumantong that the same numbers is going to Hit TOP 3 Prize on next draw.

To learn how to Strike 4D from Kumantongs, can visit:

Wooden Block Head Kumantong played my backside - Miss 1 number Direct 1st Prize on Singapore Pools 4D

 Wooden Block Head (木头仔) gave 1460 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction. On Wednesday night (3rd try) , it came out 1461 - 1st Prize. Miss 1 number on Direct 1st Prize.

Kumantong 4D Tips by Kumantong 4D Master

  • 4D Prediction Numbers given by Kumantongs are valid for 3 tries (3 draws). 
  • If really Strike, usually is on 1st try and often Hit on TOP  3 Prize (can be Ibet or Direct).  
  • However, there is no Confirm Sure Strike. Whether will strike or not still depend on Kumantongs.
  • The goal is hope that Kumantongs let You Strike Direct 1st Prize on 1st Try.
  • Check out how other Clients / Folks Strike 4D by seeking help from Kumantongs and Wealth Related Taoist Talismans here:  Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

Miss 1 number on Direct 1st Prize

Oil Bottle Kumantong gave me (Kumantong 4D Master) 8055 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction. On the 2nd try, it came out 8855 as 1st Prize. Miss 1 number on Direct 1st Prize.

Kumantongs certainly know the exact 1st Prize number. They are being playful.

Oil Bottle Kumantong Play Backside! 6 becomes 9 ! Orelse Ibet 1st Prize!


Oil Bottle Kumantong gave 6063 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction. On the 2nd Try, Singapore Pools 4D come out 0993 as 1st Prize! 6 becomes 9 ! Orelse would have Strike Ibet 1st Prize!

Kumantong certainly know the exact TOP 3 Prize Numbers but they are also damn playful. Purposely want to play Your backside!

Kumantong 4D Tips: Usually miss by 1 number on TOP 3 Prize, or Win Ibet Starter Prize or Consolation Prize, might be hint from Kumantongs that the same numbers may Hit TOP 3 Prize on next Draw .

Only Hiy Ibet Horse Shit - Win SGD$6

Blacky Kumantong gave 6379 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction. On the 3rd try, only Hit Ibet Consolation - 6739. WIn SGD$6. 

Hitting Ibet Starter or Consolation, or Miss 1 Number On TOP 3, might be hint from Kumantongs that next draw will Hit Direct TOP 3 Prize.

The beauty of "my" Kumantongs is that they are able to warn You that the BIG PRIZE (DIRECT TOP 3 PRIZE) is coming.

I'm extremely lucky to be fated to come to Your Kumantong 4D Websites

        "I'm extremely lucky to be fated to come to your websites and to engage your services. 

        You are different from other masters and mediums as in, you could regularly seek 4D from your specialized kumantongs who are able to let clients choose which 4D company they want the 4D to strike.
Others just generate a set of 4D and clients would have to bet three 4D companies so as to insure the 4D in case the 4D comes up in another company, say, if the client bet at Magnum but the 4D came up at Sports Toto, so, it's a dangerous situation: he has to bet all three companies to play safe, which is a waste of funds." - Malaysia Client J.S 

Related Post: 
Personal Note By Kumantong 4D Master: My Kumantongs and I (Kumantong 4D Master a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master) are located in Singapore, yet my Kumantongs still able to predict 4D / Lottery of  other countries, not just Singapore 4D / Lottery.  

Folks (who can't afford to pay the Kumantong 4D Prediction Service Fee or not interested to pay) have also Strike 4D / Lottery of their own country, by just praying to the Picture of the 3 Kumantongs  shown at my Blogs. My Kumantongs can detect those folks who pray to them earnestly online and give them blessings of many Winning Direct TOP 3 Prize Strikes (provided that they are not Free-Loaders - keen to give Kumantongs Offerings and my Ang Baos when they Strike Big Prize).

Even if I'm in any part of the world, I just need to bring out my Kumantong (Example: Kumantong Amulet Version), or bring out my 'Lottery Prediction' Talisman or Gambling Related / Wealth Related Talisman to seek 4D / Lottery Numbers of any countries, including Singapore.  

Not only that, if I happen to be in a particular country, a ritual can also be done to call-upon / invoked the Spirits or Ghosts at the nearby vicinity to help and give the potential Winning 4D / Lottery numbers of that country. 

Furthermore, by seeking help from my Kumantongs or 'Lottery/Gambling/Wealth' Talismans (Or You order Kumantongs or 'Lottery/Gambling/Wealth' talismans from me  and apply the same methods by Yourself), You can inform the deities or ghosts, or Kumantongs which exact 4D/Lottery Company of Which Country You want to Strike. 

Conclusion: Gods and Ghosts can help You Strike The Lottery anytime at any places, without boundaries.

Kumantongs are In Singapore and yet still able to Help Malaysia Client Hit 4D

 This is yet another Proven Example that  my Kumantongs are able to seek 4D / Lottery Numbers internationally, without boundaries.

Malaysia Client requested for a set of Sports Toto 4D Prediction. Both Hands Raising Kumantong gave him 6238. On the 2nd try, 6238 came out as Direct Consolation Prize. He won RM$1530. He gave Kumantong Offering - RM153 and my Ang Bao - SGD$20. In total he sent me SGD$65.

"Dear Kumantong 4D Master,

      Glory be to both hands raising kumantong!!!!!!! I love him!!!!!! 6238 came up in the Consolation Prizes!!!! I won RM1530.00!!!!! Send me a PayPal link of RM153.00 as offerings to Both Hands Raising Kumantong and an additional $SGD20.00 as your ang pow ( a token of appreciation). Many many thanks to both of your hard work! You can advertise this winning if you so wish. 

    Master, the bigger I strike the bigger offerings I would like to give offerings to both hands raising kumantong and bigger ang pow I would like to give to you! 

Please tell him to bless me to strike top 3 direct in the near future. Thank you so much. " - Yours sincerely, J.S 

Personal Note By Kumantong 4D Master: My Kumantongs and I (Kumantong 4D Master a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master) are located in Singapore, yet my Kumantongs still able to predict 4D / Lottery of  other countries, not just Singapore 4D / Lottery.  

Folks (who can't afford to pay the Kumantong 4D Prediction Service Fee or not interested to pay) have also Strike 4D / Lottery of their own country, by just praying to the Picture of the 3 Kumantongs  shown at my Blogs. My Kumantongs can detect those folks who pray to them earnestly online and give them blessings of many Winning Direct TOP 3 Prize Strikes (provided that they are not Free-Loaders - keen to give Kumantongs Offerings and my Ang Baos when they Strike Big Prize).

Even if I'm in any part of the world, I just need to bring out my Kumantong (Example: Kumantong Amulet Version), or bring out my 'Lottery Prediction' Talisman or Gambling Related / Wealth Related Talisman to seek 4D / Lottery Numbers of any countries, including Singapore.  

Not only that, if I happen to be in a particular country, a ritual can also be done to call-upon / invoked the Spirits or Ghosts at the nearby vicinity to help and give the potential Winning 4D / Lottery numbers of the exact 4D / Lottery Company of that country. 

Conclusion: Gods and Ghosts can help You Strike The Lottery anytime at any places, without boundaries.

For more proves and genuine examples of how folks of different countries Strike The Lottery, with the Support of my Kumantongs and Wealth / Gambling / Lottery Talismans, check out: Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

Hit Ibet Horse Shit - Singapore Pools 4D Consolation


Oil Bottle Kumantong gave 8536. On the 2nd try, it came out 5368 as Consolation Prize. Win Ibet Horse Shit. 

Win Starter or Consolation Prize, or miss 1 number on TOP 3 Prize is often a Hint from Kumantongs that the same numbers may come out Direct TOP 3 Prize on the next draw

Learn to keep and pray to a Kumantong here: 


Oil Bottle Kumantong Play My Backside - Miss 1 number on 1st Prize - Hit Ibet Starter Only

 Oil Bottle Kumantong gave 8627 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction on 5th March 2023.  On the 3rd try - 11th March 2023, Saturday, it came out as 7982 - 1st Prize and 7628 - Ibet Starter. Miss 1 number on Ibet 1st Prize. Hit only Ibet Starter. Winning Is Real, Not Photoshopped.

Chinese New Year (CNY) TOTO Prediction - With The Power Of Win Toto (7 In 1) Talisman

 May the Gods & Ghosts Of Wealth Bless Us With Toto Luck.

*All You need to do is just - PRESS A BUTTON*

It is the Grand Chinese New Year (CNY) TOTO Draw again.
Finally, get to seek help from Win Toto Super Power (7 In 1) Talisman

        *Notice the 1st Set of Toto Prediction manage to hit 3 numbers (out of 7 numbers). This shows that Bingo Toy with 'Win Toto (7 In 1) Talisman' Method works and has high potential to Win Big Prize. If You are applying the same method (with Your own 'Win Toto 7 in 1' Talisman), You just seek for 1 set of Toto Prediction - either 6 numbers or 7 numbers TOTO will do. The same method shall work with other wealth-related gods or ghosts talisman , or kumantongs*

The Win Toto (Lotto / Bingo) Super Power (7 In 1) Talisman is to focus on Striking TOTO (Lotto / Bingo / Power Ball / Mega Millions etc) Numbers. It can also be used to seek 4D Numbers.         After they have been Winning 4D big time and personally experienced the effect of the Talismans done for them, Clients and Followers have been encouraging me to come up with a very powerful talisman to focus on Striking TOTO (Lotto / Bingo / Power Ball / Mega Millions etc) Numbers.
WINNING 4D DIRECT TOP 3 Prize is not enough.. NOW IS TO WIN TOTO.
        Folks who have been playing TOTO (Lotto / Bingo / Power Ball / Mega Millions etc) Numbers, know that winning this type of Lottery is the most difficult, even when apply the "Wheeling System" Method. I, personally, is happy enough to Win 4D Top 3 Prizes occasionally and never put the attention to Win Toto.         Due to the constant request for 'WIN TOTO' Talisman, I have decided to take on task to create and bring into existence... a Folk Taoist Talisman that should help on Winning Toto Big Time and hopefully.. Everytime.         It took me more than 9 months to brain-storm and plan out which deities / gods and ghosts to call upon, in order to create a super-duper spiritually powerful talisman to help us Strike Toto (Lotto / Bingo / Powerball / Mega Millions) like crazy.
Now, it has finally come into existence.

*The 'Win Toto (Lotto / Bingo) Super Power (7 In 1)' Talisman calls upon '8-Roads' Gods Of Wealth, 8 Heavenly Horse Generals, Han-Xin Gambling God (in order to invite other Gambling Gods , Gambling Immortals and Gambling Ghosts), Local Earth God of Your area, 5 Ghosts and other Wandering Spirits to provide support and help pick the Potential Winning Lottery Numbers and to improve gambling luck*

To understand more about other ways to use the talisman and how to order, can check out:

Blacky Kumantong played my backside - Miss 1 number on 2nd & 3rd Prize

Blacky Kumantong gave me 7090. Bought 7090 & opposite Direction - 0907, and Full System - 7090.

4D Result came out as 2nd Prize - 7790 , 3rd Prize - 0708. Both miss by 1 number.

So near, yet so far. This is how Kumantongs play Your backside. 

Important Note:  When Kumantongs play my backside, it doesn't mean they will play the clients' & followers' backside. When they want to let You win, You will win big. - 1 Example:  Client Z.B Hit Direct 1st Prize - Won SGD$11,000 - Gave SGD$1000 Ang Bao

Related Blogs / Websites: 

Kumantong played my backside...


Kumantong played my backside. On the 3rd try (last try), gave me Strike Ibet Horse Shit. On the 4th Draw, cum out Ibet 2nd Prize! Win only SGD$3.00.

Kumantong 4D Winning Tips: Keep the Validated Winning Tickets even if it is a very small win. They are like little Lucky Talismans that attract even more Winnings.

Kumantong 4D Prediction Hit Ibet Starter - Win SGD$40 Only - Client gave Ang Bao - SGD$30

Blacky Kumantong gave 3352 for Singapore Pools 4D Prediction. It came out as 3235 on Starter. Win SGD$40 only. Client gave Ang Bao - SGD$30 (She definitely had won more than me.)

The video is showing me (Kumantong 4D Master a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master) collecting the Winning Money.

Video Of Me Collecting Winning Money

Even though it is just a very small Winning, but the purpose of showing me collecting the money is to prove that the Winning Ticket is Real, not Photoshopped. Not like those Fake 4D "Masters". So when the time of showing off the Direct TOP 3 Prize Winning, You will immediately believe that the Winning is Real, not photoshopped.
Kumantong 4D Tips: Hitting Ibet Starter / Consolation, or Miss 1 number on TOP 3 Prize, might be hint from my Kumantongs that the same numbers are going to Hit TOP 3 Prize on next draw. That's how powerful my Kumantongs are.

Learn To Strike 4D By Yourself: Kumantong 4D Master

Testimonials From Clients & Followers: Kumantong 4D Power Testimonials

Client Strike 4 out of 7 numbers on Kumantong Toto Prediction - Win SGD$190

 "Hi Master, I just transferred $20 as a token as striked set one of the toto nos that was given to me. i.e. Set 1: 47, 15, 43, 35, 21, 03. Three of the nos came out (03,43,47). I added my own #36 to make it a system 7, so I won 4 nos overall. Altho small win, with patience and belief, I am sure bigger wins will come! Thanks Master!" - Z.B, Singapore , 18 July 2022 - Monday

Explanation by Kumantong 4D Master (a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master):

Client Z.B was asking for help to seek for her Toto Prediction Sets. By praying to Kumantongs and with the Support Of 'Win Toto (Lotto / Bingo) Super Power (7 In 1) Talisman', the 1st set of Kumantong Toto Prediction was able to hit 3 out of 6 numbers plus 1 additional numbered by Client's own pick - Total Strike 4 out of 7 numbers - Win SGD$190.

Learn To Pray to Ghosts and Chinese Wealth Gods and Hell Gods by yourself to Strike 4D TOP 3 Prizes & also Win TOTO for Yourself here:

Hit Direct Horse Shit & Ibet Horse Shit - Total Win SGD$63 Only

*Showing Off the Genuine Small Winnings now, so that when Hit Direct TOP 3 Prizes, You will automatic know that those are Real Winnings as well* (Not like those Fake 4D "Masters", everyday "Win" DIRECT TOP 3 Prizes by showing off their photoshopped "Fake" Winning Tickets).

Client bought the numbers wrongly as 7931 and won Ibet Consolation instead and gave me Ang Bao - SGD$40!

Kumantong 4D Prediction - The 4D Numbers were given by my Kumantongs. Video showing me collecting Real Money at the Singapore Pools 4D Shop and the Real Winning Tickets Validated. This is to prove to You that the 4D Winnings are real, not like those Fake 4D "Masters" showing their Photoshopped Fake "Winning" Tickets , in order to entice You into thinking that they are "Real" and You stupidly pay them money for their numbers (which they never have and then dissapear with Your money).

Candies offering were given to Kumantongs for thanking them for giving me and client Strike 4D. Even though is just a small win but never forget to show appreciation , so that Gods and Ghosts will continue to bless us with 4D Strikes again and again.

Usually hitting direct or ibet Starter or Consolation Prize, it might be hint from Kumantongs that the same numbers, or the new numbers given are going to Hit TOP 3 Prizes. It is a way for my Kumantongs to alert me and my clients.

You can learn How To Strike 4D by Praying to Gods and Ghosts by Yourself and Win Direct TOP 3 Prizes For Yourself here:

If You need my help, You have to pay a Fee.

Video of Me collecting Real Money & Have the Winning Ticket Validated

Win Only SGD$15 and learnt a Lesson

I (Kumantong 4D Master a.k.a Taoist Sorcery Master) was too busy until never think and bought such numbers (3 same numbers) as Ibet. I should have bought  Full System at 1 dollar - Total 4 dollars, at least will Win 60 dollars. - Lesson Learnt: Pay Attention to the 4D Numbers when buying 4D.

Client Z.B Strike Ibet Consolation and sent SGD$20 Ang Bao. - "Hi Master, I sent a small token of $20 for KMT. Striked consolation with 8111. :)" - Z.B.

Client was informed that   the same number is still valid for next try as haven't hit TOP 3 within 3 draws. Might be hint from Kumantongs that might come out Top 3 on next draw.

Always keep Your Validated 4D Winning Tickets...

Always keep Your Validated 4D Winning Tickets. They are like Lucky Charms, which attract even more 4D / Toto Winnings to You.

Before You get to Strike 4D, learn to seek help from Gods & Ghosts for 4D Numbers, orelse You won't Strike...
Learn How To Strike 4D by praying to gods or ghosts for 4D Numbers by yourself , in order to Win 4D Top 3 Prize for Yourself.

The Win Toto (Lotto / Bingo) Super Power (7 In 1) Talisman

(This same article is available at Taoist Sorcery Blog)

After they have been Winning 4D big time and personally experienced the effect of the Talismans done for them,  the Taoist Sorcery / Kumantong 4D Clients and Followers have been encouraging me (Taoist Sorcery Master a.k.a Kumantong 4D Master) to come up with a very powerful talisman to focus on Striking TOTO (Lotto / Bingo / Power Ball / Mega Millions etc) Numbers. - WINNING 4D DIRECT TOP 3 Prize is not enough.. NOW IS TO  WIN TOTO.

Folks who have been playing TOTO (Lotto / Bingo / Power Ball / Mega Millions etc) Numbers, know that  winning this type of Lottery is the most difficult, even when apply the "Wheeling System" Method. I, personally, is happy enough to Win 4D Top 3 Prizes occasionally and never put the attention to Win Toto. 

Due to the constant request for 'WIN TOTO' Talisman, I have decided to take on task to create and bring into existence... a Folk Taoist Talisman that should help  on Winning Toto Big Time and hopefully.. Everytime.  

It took me more than 9 months to brain-storm and plan out  which deities / gods and ghosts to call upon, in order to create a super-duper spiritually powerful talisman to help us Strike Toto (Lotto / Bingo / Powerball / Mega Millions) like crazy. 

Now,  it has finally come into existence.  This talisman is not only just for You to seek Potential Winning TOTO numbers, it is also for You to seek Potential Winning 4D Numbers and also increase Your gambling luck in Casinos, or other gambling fun. This talisman is also designed in a way to be used together with the 'Electronic Bingo Toy Set', or can be prayed to it by itself alone.

*The 'Win Toto (Lotto / Bingo) Super Power (7 In 1)' Talisman calls upon '8-Roads' Gods Of Wealth, 8 Heavenly Horse Generals, Han-Xin Gambling God (in order to invite other Gambling Gods , Gambling Immortals and Gambling Ghosts), Local Earth God of Your area, 5 Ghosts and other Wandering Spirits to provide support and help pick the Potential Winning Lottery Numbers and to improve gambling luck*  

Several Ways to use this Talisman:

By keeping it inside Your wallet / bag or put it on altar, this will increase Your Toto / 4D / Gambling Luck

Fold it and keep inside Your pocket or wallet when going to gamble in Casinos, or other gambling games.

Fold and put the talisman on a tray - Light up incense stick or aroma cone, quietly call upon the gambling deities and ghosts to come over, then shake a cup of numbers (0 - 9) to seek  High Potential Winning 4D Numbers. Or use a Bingo-Toy to seek  High Potential Winning TOTO Numbers. 

Fold and tie the talisman around the Shake-Cup - Light up incense stick or aroma cone, quietly call upon the gambling deities and ghosts to come over, and then shake the cup to seek High Potential Winning 4D Numbers.

Frame up the Talisman -  Light up incense stick or aroma cone. Quietly call upon the gambling deities and ghosts to come over,then use the Bingo Toy Set to seek High Potential Winning Toto Numbers. Or use a Shake-Cup to Shake for 4D Numbers. 

Spread the talisman on the table - Place the Bingo Toy Set on the Circle in the centre of the Talisman. Light up incense stick / aroma cone. Quietly call upon the gambling deities and ghosts to come over, and then press a Button to seek High Potential Winning Toto Numbers.

*When seeking Toto or 4D Numbers, remember to light up Joss Sticks / Aroma Cones*

Video of Using 'Win Toto (Lotto / Bingo) Super Power (7 In 1)' Talisman 

Part 2 of the Article - The Detailed Explanation of the 7 Talismans in 'Win Toto (Lotto / Bingo) Super Power (7 In 1)' Talisman

Important Points to take note: 

The main focus of 'Win Toto (Lotto / Bingo) Super Power (7 In 1)' Talisman  is on Winning TOTO (Lotto / Bingo / Power Ball / Mega Millions etc) Numbers and also for seeking 4D Numbers and improve Gambling Luck in Casinos or other gambling purposes. 

This talisman IS NOT used for multi-purpose conventional wealth bringing purpose - Jobs, Careers, Sales and Business.You have other Wealth Bringing Talismans for such purposes, such as: 

Kumantongs are able to predict the upcoming 4D TOP 3 Prize Numbers from other Countries

"Hi Master,Good evening.Would like to inform you that the number that kumanthong gave came out 3rd prize. I won rm1500. Will collect the money on Friday only and will send some money for kumanthong on Friday. Thank you so much Master." - Malaysian Client Sujithra , 6 April 2022  

Client from Malaysia asked for a set of Kumantong 4D Prediction for Magnum 4D. She paid the fee and I (Kumantong 4D  Master) did a ritual to seek 4D numbers from 'Both Hands Raising' Kumantong. She was given 7662.

On the 3rd Try, indeed, Magnum 4D came out 2766 - 3rd Prize. She had won RM$1,512.00. She  sent SGD$100 (about RM$300) as Token Of Appreciation (Ang Bao) and Kumantong Offering.

Interesting Fact: Notice that my Kumantongs  are located in Singapore and Client is from Malaysia and she was asking for Magnum 4D Prediction, which the 4D Company is located in Malaysia  and indeed, she hit 3rd Prize. This shows that Kumantongs are able to predict the upcoming 4D TOP 3 Prize Numbers from other Countries.

Prayer Offerings of Chocolates and Candies were offered to Kumantongs to thank them for helping client  to Strike 4D.  Every time when Strike 4D, must remember to thank them, so in future, Ghosts and Deities will continue to bless us with continuous 4D Strikes. 

To learn how to pray and seek 4D numbers directly from ghosts and deities by yourself , check out :

Kumantong 4D Tips - Kumantong 4D Prediction is valid for 3 tries (3 draws). There is no confirm sure strike. If really Strike, usually hit TOP 3 Prize , can be Ibet or Direct Strike. The goal is hopefully Kumantongs give You Strike Direct 1st Prize on the 1st Try.. but again, there is no confirm sure strike. There is also no free try.

Video of Chocolates & Candies Offerings To Kumantongs

Kumantongs' Altar Spring Cleaning For Chinese New Year

Oil Bath & Spiritual Power Boosting Ritual For Kumantongs. Every year, nearing to CNY Period, Chinese Folks will do House Spring Cleaning and Chinese Deities Altars' Spring Cleaning to prepare for Chinese New Year.

(Someone asked) Ringing the Bell at the ending of ritual - Ringing Of Bells are both practiced in Taoist Sorcery Ritual and Hinduistic Ritual. Over here, the boosting of Kumantongs Ritual is part Taoist Sorcery Ritual & part Hinduistic Ritual (Thai Magic is Hindu Sorcery Influenced). Ringing the bell indicating the invocation of divinity, so that virtuous and noble forces enter; and the demonic and evil forces, from within and without, depart. The sound of the bell is considered auspicious which welcomes divinity and dispels evil.

Likewise, I (Kumantong 4D Master) will also do kumantongs' Altar Spring Cleaning. This way, Kumantongs will be very happy to have a clean altar, nice smelling statues to reside in. In turn, they will bless my clients and me to continuously Strike The Lottery (4D / Totto) in TOP 3 Prizes all year round.

Related Blogs / Websites:

Hit System Starter - Win SGD$250

Oil Bottle Kumantong gave Client Z.B the number - 3930 for  Singapore Pools 4D Prediction . On the 1st Try, it came out as 0339. I (Kumantong 4D Master) also bet SGD$1 Full System on the same number - 3930 and Won SGD$250.

Client Z.B bet SGD$2 Full System and Win SGD$500. He sent me SGD$200 Ang Bao! He is very generous person indeed, no wonder he keeps Striking 4D non-Stop. People who are generous are always blessed with Lottery Luck by the spiritual entities such as Kumantongs, Ghosts and Chinese Wealth Deities.

Many non-believers like to question:"If the 4D Prediction numbers so good... why the master never buy for himself?" - Now You know, whatever numbers given by my Kumantongs, I (Kumantong 4D Master) will buy some, because they (the numbers) are so damn good (70%~90% chance to strike on TOP 3 Prize).

Important 4D Tips: If the numbers given by my Kumantongs (or other Wealth / Gambling Talismans) is missed by 1 number on TOP 3 Prize, or if Hit Starter or Consolation Prize, it is high chance that the next draw is going to Hit TOP 3 Prize. It is the way my Kumantongs (or the deities / spirits invoked from the talismans) are hinting You that the same numbers are going to Hit TOP 3 Prize and warning You to stay high alert.

Related Post: Client Z.B Win SGD$500 - Gives SGD$200 Ang Bao!!

Video Of Me (Kumantong 4D Master) Collecting SGD$250 

& Prayer Offering To Kumantongs 

Winning Starter Prize is nothing to show off but the video is to proof that the Winning Tickets are Real and not Photoshopped. (Not like those Fake 4D Gurus  who use Photo Editing Software (Photoshopped) to edit Fake 'Winning' 4D Tickets to trick You into believing in them. They can never be as close to my level of 4D  Prediction given by my Kumantongs.)

Take Note: One Kumantong 4D Prediction is valid for 3 tries. There is no confirm sure strike. If really Strike, usually will hit on TOP 3 Prize - Can be Ibet or Direct Strike.The goal is hopefully Kumantongs let You Strike Direct 1st Prize on the 1st Try. The worst case scenario is Miss by 1 number on TOP 3 Prize.

This is the same method when You seek 4D Numbers from the Kumantongs ( or other Wealth Related Talismans ) that You ordered from me (Kumantong 4D Master). 

Other 4D Masters (who use software or manual study of numbers) that provide 4D Matrix Boxes, or vomit out 1 huge list of  potential winning numbers,  and also those Fake 4D Gurus  who use Photo Editing Software (Photoshopped) to edit Fake 'Winning' 4D Tickets to trick You into believing in them, can never be as close to my level of 4D  Prediction.

By seeking just 1 set of 4D Number from Kumantong (or Wealth Talisman) to play within 3 draws, You will either WIN TOP 3 Prize , or Miss by just1 number on TOP 3 Prize. It depends on whether Kumantongs, or the Deities want You to Strike. 

When You are in need of money , or really desperate for help...  Kumantongs ,  Ghosts or Deities will quickly support You to Strike 4D, by following the "Same Method" to seek 4D Numbers. 

*WIN 4D Is very Straight Forward - Just light up Incense Cone / Joss Stick, Pray to the Kumantong / Wealth Talisman , Shake a Cup of Numbers, Then Either You Strike TOP 3 , or Miss 1 number on TOP 3*

Learn how to Win 4D TOP 3 Prize easily by Yourself,  by following the Links Below:

Related Talismans & Kumantongs:

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Past Winning Numbers - Since 2009