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CNY IS CUMMING - Kumantong still play my backside!
Kumantong play my backside again!
Today decided to use pendulum method and also Shake Cup method to seek 4D from Oil Bottle Kumantong.
Pendulum method was given 7094.
Shake Cup method was given 7029.
Tonight come out 1ST PRIZE-7039!
CNY IS CUMMING! Last year, 1 day before Chinese New Year Eve won Direct 2nd Prize - Win SGD$9000.
Important Tip: For those Chinese and also non-Chinese who know how to pray to Gods and Ghosts, Chinese New Year (CNY) is very high chance that spirit entities are happy to let people win the lottery (4D & Toto). Hope this Year will HIT DIRECT TOP PRIZE AGAIN.
There are several prayers / rituals to usher Gods Of Wealth into Your home and life during Chinese New Year period, so take note. Many Chinese Bosses use this opportunity to Win The Lottery, during this 'high chance of winning' period of time of the year.