Singapore 4D * Magnum 4D * Sports ToTo 4D and now include International Lottery Prediction Services!

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Hit 1st Prize but client never buy! Kumantong still has his Candies!
One Kumantong 4D Client asked for a Personal Kumantong 4D Prediction. He paid the fee and was told to buy for 3 tries. He bet the number on Saturday and Sunday. On Wednesday, the number given came out 1st Prize (Permutation) but the client never buy.
Client didn't win any money, however, since the 4D Prediction indeed came out on 1st Prize, Kumantong 4D Master bought candies offering to thank the Kumantong. This way, Kumantongs will know we appreciate their help and in future will let us strike again and again.
Take Note: Kumantong 4D Prediction is valid for 3 tries. If strike, usually will be on 1st try or 2nd try and usually on Top 3. Never buy more than 3 tries. No confirm sure strike, only very high chance to strike & very often Hit TOP 3 Prizes. Can be Direct or Permutation strike. The focus is to hit Direct 1st Strike on every try. There is NO FREE 4D PREDICTION, so don't beg. Please kindly ask How Much is the Fee for Kumantong 4D Prediction. If You can't afford the fee, then just see us strike and cheer for us.